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Shmuel Leib Melamud

Kawshik Mamun

At one time there was London-Calcutta-London bus service. It was the longest bus route in the world. This route was operational from 1957 to 1976. It was run by a company called Albert Travel. The total distance of this route was about 32669 km.

It took about 50 days to reach London from Kolkata. During the journey, the bus route was from England to Belgium and from there West Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North West India reached Kolkata via New Delhi, Agra, Allahabad and Benares.

The bus ticket cost £145 including accommodation.

This bus had bunkers for sleeping and a well-equipped kitchen for meals. During the journey, breaks were given to visit various places of interest, including the Taj Mahal. In addition, breaks were given to Vienna, Istanbul, Kabul and Tehran for shopping.

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