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Данные Стокгольмского международного института исследования проблем мира (SIPRI) о крупнейших поставщиках оружия Израилю

🇺🇸 США: 69% от общего объема оружейных поставок
❯❯ Самолеты, бронетехника, корабли, боеприпасы.

🇩🇪 Германия: 28%
❯❯ В основном поставки для военно-морских сил Израиля (81% поставок составили ракетоносные катера, 10% – торпеды, 8,5% – двигатели для бронетехники).

🇮🇹 Италия – 0,9%
❯❯ В основном легкие вертолеты (59%), остальное – морские орудия (41%) для оснащения катеров, поставляемых Германией. Помимо этого, Италия также является партнером в программе F-35, для которой она производит отдельные компоненты.

🇬🇧 Великобритания – 0,3%
❯❯ Не экспортировала никаких крупных вооружений в Израиль с 1970-х. Поставляет компоненты для различных систем (самолетов, включая F-35, подлодок, радаров, бронежилетов).

🇫🇷 Франция – 0,1%
❯❯ Последняя экспортная поставка основных видов вооружений в Израиль была осуществлена в 1998 году. С тех пор – только компоненты для оружия, в том числе электронного оборудования для беспилотников.

🇪🇸 Испания – менее 0,1%
❯❯ Поставки компонентов для отдельных видов вооружений (не уточняется).

В списке поставщиков находятся многие другие страны (Нидерланды, Чехия, Венгрия, Канада и пр.), однако речь идет об очень небольших объемах и ограниченном ассортименте.

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How top arms exporters have responded to the war in Gaza

Zain Hussain

While many states were quick to affirm Israel’s right to self-defence, international concern grew about the high death toll and the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza as well as about Israel’s conduct of the war. This has included ground assaults and air strikes that have targeted or hit hospitals, schools, emergency shelters and United Nations and other humanitarian operations, as well as areas previously designated as ‘safe zones’ in Gaza by the Israelis.

These have resulted in the deaths of journalists, humanitarian workers and peaceful protesters, along with many other civilians.

On 12 December 2023 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution demanding an ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, parties’ compliance with international law’ and ‘release of all hostages’.

In January 2024 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) indicated provisional measures in a case brought by South Africa related to the application of the 1948 Genocide Convention to the situation in Gaza. According to the measures, Israel should, among other things, take immediate steps to prevent its military from committing acts that might be considered genocidal and to enable the provision of humanitarian assistance in Gaza.

In May the court additionally ordered Israel to ‘immediately halt its military offensive ... in the Rafah Governorate’.

The following month, a UN Commission of Inquiry found that both Hamas and Israel had been responsible for multiple war crimes since 7 October.

On 18 September 2024 the UN General Assembly adopted a new resolution demanding that Israel ‘brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory’.

The same resolution called on states to cease the ‘provision or transfer of arms, munitions and related equipment to Israel ... in all cases where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that they may be used in the Occupied Palestinian Territory’.

Pressure on states to cease or curtail military exports to Israel has grown. A number of governments have faced a range of domestic and international political and civil society campaigns, investigations and legal challenges concerning their policies on the supply of arms to Israel.

The connection between war crimes and arms transfers is clear.

In the past decade Israel has greatly increased its imports of arms. SIPRI estimates that in the five-year period 2019–23, Israel was the world’s 15th largest importer of major arms, accounting for 2.1 per cent of global arms imports in the period. In 2009–13 it ranked only 47th.


How top arms exporters have respond…
This backgrounder explores how the war in Gaza has affected the arms e…
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