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Shmuel Leib Melamud

В 2018 году один чувак попросил Microsoft добавить в старый недобрый cmd.exe возможность каким-нибудь образом с помощью переменной окружения подавить сообщение по Ctrl+C "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?" и молча останавливать бэтч-файл. Мол, ну что вам, трудно, что ли?
И получил развернутый ответ от майкрософтовца:

"I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you, @mikemaccana, that this would be a five minute development change to read that environment variable and change the behavior of cmd.exe. It absolutely would be a tiny development time.

It's just that from our experience, we know there's going to be a 3-24 month bug tail here where we get massive investigation callbacks by some billion dollar enterprise customer who for whatever reason was already using the environment variable we pick for another purpose. Their script that they give their rank-and-file folks will tell them to press Ctrl+C at some point in the batch script to do whatever happens, it will do something different, those people will notice the script doesn't match the computer anymore. They will then halt the production line and tell their supervisor. The supervisor tells some director. Their director comes screaming at their Microsoft enterprise support contract person that we've introduced a change to the OS that is costing them millions if not billions of dollars in shipments per month. Our directors at Microsoft then come bashing down our doors angry with us and make us fix it ASAP or revert it, we don't get to go home at 5pm to our families or friends because we're fixing it, we get stressed the heck out, we have to spin up servicing potentially for already shipped operating systems which is expensive and headache-causing...etc.

We can see this story coming a million miles away because it has happened before with other 'tiny' change we've been asked to make to cmd.exe in the past few years.

I would just ask you to understand that cmd.exe is very, very much in a maintenance mode and I just want to set expectations here. We maintain it, yes. We have a renewed interest in command-line development, yes. But our focuses are revolving around improving the terminal and platform itself and bringing modern, supported shells to be the best they can be on Windows. Paul will put this on the backlog of things that people want in cmd.exe, yes. But it will sink to the bottom of the backlog because changing cmd.exe is our worst nightmare as its compatibility story is among the heaviest of any piece of the operating system."

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Comments (1)

It is SO brilliantly explained! Just WOW! And MANY thanks to the author of this reply.
(Indeed, that could have caused billions of USD losses)

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